Workshop on Social infrastructure and cognitive abilities in an ageing population

A workshop on “Social infrastructure and cognitive abilities in an ageing population” will take place on 1 of June, as one of the final events of the research project “Sociable”, granted by the Cariplo Foundation.

The workshop will be held on Zoom and will last about 3 hours, according to the following programme:

Welcome by Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Milan, ItalyFlaminio Squazzoni – Behave Lab) & Marco Castellani (University of Brescia, ItalyCASTELLANI Marco | Portale di Ateneo –

Two presentations by the Sociable team, including:

  • A meta-analysis on the effect of complex social networks on cognitive abilities by Matteo Piolatto (University of Padua, Italy) (20 min)
  • An empirical study on the effect of complex social networks on cognitive abilities in a sample of elders in Brescia by Federico Bianchi (University of Milan, Italy: About ( (20 min)

Three invited presentations:

Final discussion

A dissemination workshop for local stakeholders, which will involve all Sociable partners, will be next planned.

Brescia: A land of centenarians

According to ISTAT, the Italian National Institute of Statistics, 246 persons living in the Brescia province are at least 100 years old, of whom 213 are women and 33 are men.

Seventy-seven out of 246 live in the Brescia municipality, where we are currently collecting data on older adults’ social relationships and cognitive functionality.

Here’s an article on the local newspaper (ITA).

1st year is over!

SOCIABLE partners have met at the University of Brescia on 3 July to update on the state of data collection. New updates soon!

Sociable showcased at SISEC 19 Conference

Studies within the framework of the Sociable project have been showcased at the annual conference of the Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC – Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica). Federico Bianchi has held a talk on the effects of personal networks and social capital on the prevention of cognitive decline among older aldusts in a session focusing on health and innovative welfare.

See here for more information about the conference (ITA).

See here for the presentation slides (ITA).

Second project meeting

SOCIABLE members have met at the University of Brescia for a second project meeting on 7 September 2018 to move forward with the next steps of the research.