A workshop on “Social infrastructure and cognitive abilities in an ageing population” will take place on 1 of June, as one of the final events of the research project “Sociable”, granted by the Cariplo Foundation.
The workshop will be held on Zoom and will last about 3 hours, according to the following programme:
Welcome by Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Milan, Italy: Flaminio Squazzoni – Behave Lab) & Marco Castellani (University of Brescia, Italy: CASTELLANI Marco | Portale di Ateneo – Unibs.it)
Two presentations by the Sociable team, including:
- A meta-analysis on the effect of complex social networks on cognitive abilities by Matteo Piolatto (University of Padua, Italy) (20 min)
- An empirical study on the effect of complex social networks on cognitive abilities in a sample of elders in Brescia by Federico Bianchi (University of Milan, Italy: About (federico-bianchi.github.io)) (20 min)
Three invited presentations:
- Lea Ellwardt (University of Cologne, Germany: Lea Ellwardt (lea-ellwardt.de))(30 min)
- Amaia Calderon Larrañaga (Karolynska Institute, Sweden: Amaia Calderon Larrañaga | Medarbetare (ki.se)) (30 min)
- Emanuela Sala (University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy: SALA EMANUELA MARIA | Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (unimib.it)) (30 min)
Final discussion
A dissemination workshop for local stakeholders, which will involve all Sociable partners, will be next planned.